Hey there! Here are some blog resources from some of my favorite bloggers. Hopefully these helpful articles can inspire us to get creative and make the most of the week.

Resources for Bloggers | Earl Grey Blog

1. Melyssa from The Nectar Collective recently wrote about how to grow your blog or business using Twitter. I used to use Twitter solely for funny lame jokes, but now I use it for Earl Grey purposes too (here’s my account btw if you want to be friends!). However, Twitter is not my specialty. I always forget I even have it. This article was helpful in reminding me that there are simple ways to be active as a blogger on Twitter. Woohoo! Thanks Melyssa!

2. Oh, Writer’s Block. Always getting me down. I absolutely love this post on beating writer’s block by Jess of Stamp in my Passport. She shares three helpful and genuine ways to reconnect with yourself and get over that dang lack of inspiration.

3. Last month on Ember & March, Amber shared about the difference between growing your blog and gaining a following. She notes that both are a little necessary and touches on the importance of authenticity. I couldn’t agree with her more.

4. Jess at June Letters wrote a beautiful post about allowing yourself to be a beginner. What a good reminder. It is so important to remember that everything takes practice and that we shouldn’t set so many unrealistic expectations on ourselves.

Have you been focusing on or learning anything in particular lately?



My name is Jennifer and I'm a blogger, crafter, and thrifter in Portland, OR. I believe everyone can be creative when given the right inspiration. Earl Grey is where I share what inspires me on a regular basis, as well as fun resources for bloggers and design enthusiasts. Thanks for visiting! Learn more about me here.

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